Manufacturing Risk Assessment: An Overview  


Risk assessment is an important part of any business, but it tends to be particularly relevant for high-risk injection molding industries. Injection molding manufacturing companies are often subject to a range of different types of risk—from natural disasters to employee negligence—and effective risk management can help mitigate these dangers. Risk assessment plays an important role in this process because it allows manufacturers to identify and evaluate possible risks, determine which hazards are most likely to occur, and develop strategies for preventing or mitigating those risks.


Risk assessment is a process of identifying, analyzing and evaluating risks, then developing strategies to mitigate them.

This is done by conducting a thorough investigation into each aspect of your company’s operations—from internal policies and procedures to external factors like government regulations or local laws. Once you’ve gathered this information, you can begin determining the risks associated with each area of concern.

Once you’ve identified potential threats, it’s time to figure out how likely they are to occur and what impact they would have on your business if they did happen. When conducting this analysis, it’s important not only to consider how likely something may happen but also what kind of damage could result from it happening (e.g., physical injury vs. financial loss).

Also keep in mind that some things aren’t necessarily “bad” things—they could be positive occurrences (like increased sales) but still be considered risky because there’s no way for sure predict whether or not they’ll happen if left unmonitored.*

Next comes identification: What actions do we need take? In some cases where there’s no reasonable solution available through risk management methods alone (e..g., earthquakes), one option might be evacuation plans; however if all employees live within walking distance from work then evacuation wouldn’t make sense since everyone could just walk home instead.*

Types of Risk Assessment

Risk assessment can be classified into two types: qualitative and quantitative risk assessments. The difference between the two is that quantitative risk assessment involves numerical values, while qualitative risk assessment does not.

Qualitative Risk Assessment

A qualitative risk assessment makes use of words to describe the level of risks involved in an activity. For example, if you have a high-risk situation (e.g., carrying out a critical business process), you will assign it with adjectives such as “high” or “severe.” On the other hand, if it is a low-risk activity (e.g., moving files from one place to another), then it would be given adjectives such as “low” or “minor.” This method may seem simple but effective in determining which processes are more risky than others and thus should receive more attention during planning sessions with relevant stakeholders.

Risk assessment in manufacturing

Risk assessment is a continuous process. Risk assessments are conducted at multiple levels, from the department to the enterprise, and with varying degrees of frequency. As a result, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to risk management and it’s important for manufacturing companies to find their own best practices.

Each organization should use a consistent risk assessment method that considers both internal and external factors (e.g., threats posed by competitors). The goal is to identify potential vulnerabilities within an organization’s processes or products so you can take steps to reduce these risks before they become major problems.

Risk assessments should also be used as part of your overall safety program because they help you understand what type of workplace accidents could happen at your facility—and how often—before they actually occur. This proactive approach helps prevent injuries while also helping reduce employee turnover rates since employees feel safe on the job site when management takes action proactively rather than waiting until something goes wrong first before acting on safety issues related specifically with their jobsite responsibilities.”

Conducting a Risk Assessment

Conducting a risk assessment involves identifying and assessing all of the existing risks in the workplace, followed by planning appropriate ways to eliminate or reduce them. It’s important to note that even if you’re working on something small, it’s still possible for your project to fail—and knowing how to identify potential problems early on can help prevent that from happening.

One of the first things you should do when conducting a risk assessment is define the problem before starting on a solution. Identifying concrete goals will help keep your team focused while they work through solutions, but don’t worry about what other people’s goals are; stay focused on yours instead! Be ambitious (but realistic), and set out what tangible fitness goals you could achieve within 3-6 months.

The Hierarchy of Control

Managing risk is an important part of operating a manufacturing business. The hierarchy of control outlines the most effective ways to reduce your business’s risk.

After you’ve completed your initial risk assessment, you will want to develop a contingency plan based on the results of that assessment. This will ensure that any potential risks are addressed and mitigated in advance.

Evaluating possible risk

To evaluate the risk, you’ll need to know how the problem occurred. This can be done through an investigation of your own or by looking at the data from other sources. Once you’ve identified the cause of a problem, it will be easier to identify its potential risks and consequences.

  • Identify causes: To identify possible causes of poor quality in manufacturing, first look at any equipment that could have caused contamination or malfunctioned. If there are no obvious problems with your equipment (such as broken parts), then look at external factors such as weather conditions, people working on site or even other companies’ activity nearby—anything that might have interfered with your processes and led to weaker materials or less accurate workmanship.
  • Estimate likelihoods: Next estimate how likely each of these scenarios would be if they were actually true. Consider whether certain issues like weather conditions would affect everyone equally; if not then some employees may fare better than others under similar circumstances depending on where they’re located within your facility’s walls!

Contingency planning

Contingency planning is a risk management process that involves identifying potential risks, determining the likelihood of their occurrence and evaluating how to respond in the event of an emergency. Contingency planning is a good way to ensure that your business can continue operating in the event of an emergency.

If you want to effectively manage your company’s risk profile, it’s important to understand what contingency planning entails and how you can use this process to protect your employees and assets as well as keep operations running smoothly during critical moments.


Risk assessment is a process of identifying and evaluating risks. It can be used to identify the risk of failure in a system. Risk assessments are key components of risk management, as they help determine how much effort should be put into mitigating each risk factor.

Risk assessments are commonly used in manufacturing industries, where there is a high probability for an event that could lead to injury or property damage (e.g., fire). Once you have identified potential hazards and their corresponding risks, you can develop strategies to reduce those risks.

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